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Things You'll NEVER Hear Hiei Say...
About Me
I'm Catherine Wegman, and I'm 12 years old, and live in the fair sized state of New Jersey in a small town that's practically unheard of. I have a ton of friends, and my closest friends are loyal to me like I am to them. I like to tease them every once and a while. The one's who I've known for as long as I can remember, are the one's who can tell when something's wrong or bothering me. My closest friends are Kristina Bushey, Caitlin Pancaracian, Amber Comer, Brianna Arnone, Cassandra Kish, and Jessica Kilcullen. Some of my most annoying friends would have to be Jessica Wilson and Karri Krelik. I've got some guy friends too. Like Mark Morris, Trung Ngyen (I don't really know how to spell his last name), Cody Goold, Mat Mendez, and Anthony Zerillo. To be honest, the friends I've known longest would have to be Anthony, Kristina, and Brianna, possibly Mark...My favorite sports would have to be swimming, biking, rollerblading, softball, bowling, kickball, indian dodgeball, basketball. One of the things people know me best for would have to be my artistic skills. My drawings blow some people away. For example, just recently Mark snagged my best drawing and showed it to Dr. Puglia and Mr. Waltz (my school's super intendent). Both were amazed as well as Dr. Puglia's son whose become a substitute for the school. All three were amazed. Unfortunately, at the moment the pic that was shown to the three, isn't available because it's too big for Jes Wilson to scan. I have to redraw it onto regualar printer paper like the drawing in my FanArt section. It's not easy to draw on that paper. At the moment, I'm working on my own manga, and I might make a site for people to check it out. |
The Story About This Site
The story of this site is a simple one. I've fallen in love with this young and attractive makai named Hiei Jaganshi. His being mysterious is what makes me love him. His speed and abilities make me wish Anime was real. Of course that's just a fantasy that will never come true. Hiei's popularity is increasing day by day. It's people like Hiei who could make the world interesting. His coldheartedness is what hides his warm and affectionate side that holds his true feelings towards others. He cares about those close to him but hides it to keep people from knowing he has a weakness towards others.
Some other Info
There are other people who have helped me make this site, such as my BFF, Amber. She's the one who introduced me to freeservers to build this site. She showed me how the main stuff works. From there I discovered things on my own. I don't know everyone who helped me build this site. People will probably be sending in pics annonnamously so I won't be able to thank them by using their name.
Email Me!
Kat Jaganshi
Links to Other Sites
My first site- Yu Yu Hakusho Shrine |